Portsmouth Hispanic Society

Don Quixote, here of Spanish culture

Who Is Who - The Society Committee

Email secretary@spanishportsmouth.org.uk or contact the Society through any committee member.

Diane Hiley
  Chair:    chairman@spanishportsmouth.org.uk
Maureen Stephens
  Secretary:    secretary@spanishportsmouth.org.uk
Mike English
 Treasurer:     treasurer@spanishportsmouth.org.uk
  Membership Secretary:     info@spanishportsmouth.org.uk
  Language Co-ordinator:     language@spanishportsmouth.org.uk

Tel: 07547 274795

Robert Whitaker
  Webmaster:    webmaster@spanishportsmouth.org.uk
Alan Stephens
  Committee member
Geoff Baker
  Committee member
Jan Kerr
  Committee member
Judith Worley
  Committee member