Portsmouth Hispanic Society

Don Quixote, here of Spanish culture

External Resources



A message from Rafael:
"I thought the email address below could be a useful reference should a group of society members decide to order some goods at the same time, enough to get the free delivery directly from Spain, such as at specific times like Christmas. They seem to have a large selection of dishes." https://www.gastronomicspain.com/en
Below are some addresses of UK based suppliers which should also be consulted for comparison as they also have free delivery on larger value orders.:


  • The Art and History of Spanish Tiles. This invaluable source of information about Spanish art and decorative tiles was kindly brought to our attention by Hayley and Roger. https://www.decorativeceilingtiles.net/the-art-and-history-of-spanish-tiles/

    As the Society is keen on exposing Spanish at every opportunity , I thought I should offer references to two of my regular favourite accessed programmes from Spain. One from the Radio to wake up with at weekends. The other is from the Television to finish each working day with the variety of opinions, on newsworthy current affairs when appropriate, like the Catalan question.
    The Radio programme, is on Station Radio Nacional de España titled No es un dia cualquiera . It is held on Saturday and Sunday mornings each weekend starting at 8:30 am(7:30 UK) and lasts for 5 ½ hours. It is held in a different place of Spain each week, and in an entertaining magazine like standard format of a variety of subjects for everyone. Check out details in the links companion document.
    The Television programme, is on Canal 24H titled La noche en 24 horas . It is held each working day starting a 10:30 pm(9:30UK) and lasting nearly 2 hours, and is similar to our BBC2 Newsnight. It follows a standard format of the days news highlights, an associated recognisable expert opinion, followed by a round table discussion of diverse opinions, and finishing with a summary of the various newspapers headlines. Please refer to the companion document for links and details.

    May I suggest that you sample each section or programme once, so you can develop your selective access spots/times in such lengthy programmes.
    Also when you have some time, please explore the various other stations and programmes in RNETV, as like the BBC Player there are an abundance of programs including some amazing historical series like we do with the Tudors, as well as promoted programmes of classical music, sports, natural history, travel , etc. You will never be bored with something to listen to or view in Spanish.
    Refer to the companion attachment for further details LINKS AND DETAILS FOR TWO RNETV PROGRAMMES WORTH SAMPLING